Where is wisdom?

22 Oct Where is wisdom?

Job asks the question: Do people know where to find wisdom?….for it is hidden from the eyes of all humanity. Then he states that it cannot be bought with gold, silver, pearls, crystal, topaz, onyx, sapphires. Yet God provides it freely to those who seek after it: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and to forsake evil is real understanding (Job 28:28) Why then something so precious is so underestimated and undervalued? one reason is spelled out by Isaiah: All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way. What would it take to put true priority in what we search for, live for, are passionate about, pass on to others? Perhaps remembering each morning that whatever we do this day is meaningless if not entrusted into His hands, since it could very well be our last day on earth, may be a good start…!

peppo biscarini
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