History old


Country Overview and Logistics

First, let us provide an overview of the current Italian “inner climate” as we perceive it.

Italians are inherently “religious,” but this religiosity often blends with sensationalism and superstition, incorporating elements of the occult—ranging from horoscopes to black magic—into the spiritual framework of the average person. The minimal Christian indoctrination that many Italians have received serves more as a vaccine, preventing them from pursuing a deeper, meaningful relationship with Christ. As a result, most Italians may embrace Christian traditions or identify with the church while lacking a personal connection with Jesus.

The historical tension between Catholics and Protestants, marked by years of conflict and persecution, remains a significant barrier to unity in evangelization efforts. While the older generation remains rooted in tradition and often turns a blind eye to clerical hypocrisy, the younger generation has distanced itself from institutional religion. This openness, however, has left them vulnerable to cult movements and secular ideologies.

We firmly believe that genuine love and vulnerability are the missing components in Italy’s spiritual landscape. The nation is gripped by strongholds of old beliefs, leading many to feel angry, frustrated, and unfulfilled. The current economic climate further exacerbates this, with both young and old increasingly falling into states of hopelessness and despair.

Unlike other places, large-scale events that generate thousands of conversions at once are rare in Italy and would likely be met with skepticism. Instead, we’ve found that grassroots efforts—building relationships one person at a time—are crucial in forming committed disciples who have the resilience to endure adversity and persecution (Matthew 10).