

Via Veritas, Inc. is a Tennessee religious corporation under the 501c3 non-profit classification. Please refer to our EIN# 45-4885299 on all tax deductible donations. For full transparency our records are published on Guidestar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations ( Call 423-266-5257 with questions you may have or email: you for being an integral part in making disciples in Italy by empowering national leadership.

Donations Mailing Address:

Via Veritas, Inc. 345 Frazier Ave Suite 205 Chattanooga, TN 37405 USA The best method to process your donations (without any fees) is via wire, checks ACH or billpay. You can also donate via credit card or PayPal by clicking the button below. Upon receiving your donations you will be mailed a tax deductible receipt/confirmation. Please call us at 423-266-5257 with questions or concerns. Thank you and may our Lord attend to your needs and bless you as you sacrificially provide for His ministry in Italy.

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